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The Trainer


Stephanie Haubrich

Founder of THRIVING K9s. Solid background in equine and dog training. Trained untouched wild weanlings and started young horses at a facility located in Kentucky with high dollar quarter horses. Stephanie is a certified professional and seasoned dog trainer. Loves agility and puppy development. Spends a lot of time helping and training young shelter dogs so they can be adopted. 


Stephanie is also an AKC approved evaluator, and can administer the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy program, CGC (Canine Good Citizen, the gold standard of dog behavior ), AKC Community Canine (the advanced level of CGC), Urban CGC and Trick Dog tests (All 5 levels).



  • Pro Dog Trainer Academy Graduate 

  • Associate of Arts Interdisciplinary Studies from Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA.

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